The Pitch Project - A Live Video Token Sale Platform

With the recent rise of bitcoins, day by day new blockchain projects emerge from the ground. Entrepreneurs and projects are aiming to create a crowdfunding-similar model, by handing out tokens for project supporters.
Many projects though underestimate the complexity and functionality of tokens and not always, but mostly are not able to sell their tokens for their projects. On the other hand, smaller projects with a great marketing succeed.
The goal of the Pitch Invetors Live project is therefore to give project team the opportunity to present their project idea to experts, and to an audience (similar like TV shows "Shark Tank". This offers the opportunity to better plan a project during it initial offering phase, because experts knows which methods to use, but also the project can get feedback and support from an audience, hearing about the project probably the first time.
Features and benefits:
By using the Pitch Invetors Live project, entrepreneurs and the project benefit from:
  • Easier access to capital
  • Connections that promote and invest in the project
  • Exposure on a large platform
  • Honest feedback, which most advisors so far don't give
Investors, especially celebrities benefit also from:
  • An exposure on a large platform
  • Possibility to develop a public brand
  • Early access to the project
  • And colloboration with other investors, building up a better network and reputation
Also the audience benefit from the project by:
  • Drama and emotions
  • Getting introduced to new project or product ideas
  • Getting to know what lies behind the technology of a project, as well as how a capital raising campaign works
Status of the Pitch Investors Live Platform:
Pitch already comes with an accessible iOS app. Entrepreneurs already can create short summaries of their project or business idea. Soon an android version, as well as web vision probably will come. The token sale customer can soon already invite the entrepreneur to pitch live cia the platform. Others then are able to join as an audience and a rebroardcast will be available on social media platforms like Facebook or Youtube.
The Pitch project will be using their own cryptocurrency tokens called "PITCH". PITCH tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain. The tokens will be a "utility token".
The PITCH tokens will be directly available and usable on the Pitch platform. They among others serve similar to the gaming industry as a ticket or coin to gain access to the events.
  • In total there will be 1.618.000.000 PITCH Tokens.
  • Pitch is a ERC-20 token, with the symbol PITCH
  • Early pre-sale will start at 2018/02/01
  • 25% of tokens will be offered during the whole ICO
  • Payments methods are BTC, ETH and USD
The token price will vary based on 8 rounds offered:
The token distribution will look at follows:
The Pitch Team:
Behind the Pitch project is a very professional team. The team has a lot of experts in the IT field, but also in the business field like PR, Marketing, Advisor Outreach, Communication and more. If you want to check out the team, please refer to the official website provided below and simply click on the team members picture, to be forwarded to the linkedin website.
The Pitch project comes with a clear roadmap. Currently they are doing their token sale and will soon work on developments on the iOS app to integrate tokens. In 3 months we can expect the first version on the testnet. About in 11 months and close to a year we might seeing the first run on the mainnet, as well as the integration into the Android version.
My opinion:
The Pitch project is in my opinion one of the greatest project ideas, based on the blockchain in 2018. I've seen a lot of very potential projects trying their best, but ultimately fail because of missing marketing or knowledge in promoting thei ideas. With the Pitch project, this might even open up more opportunities for new great projects to emerge from the ground. I really like what the Pitch team is creating and I'm already really excitet about seeing the project on the testnet soon. But for that to happen, the team first needs to conclude their token sale with a success. I believe in what the team is doing and truly think, that Pitch will be a successfull project in the future, which many people will hear about.
More information:
If you are also like me interested in the project, please take a look at the official website from the Pitch project and also look at their very informative whitepaper. For great support, I recommend using their official communication channels like Telegram, Twitter and Facebook.
