
Сообщения за март, 2018


The purpose of the DATARIUS is to give people from all over the world with free access and is equivalent to the maximum number of financial products. The Mission of the DATARIUS is creating a transparent financial products that are entirely new. Give customers a clear tools and greater opportunities. To ensure freedom of choice and action. To provide a high level of automation, which will help overcome stereotypes of classic good systems and services, and communication with consumers. To socialize the fintech products through the comments open to participants and transactions, through an assessment of “people” and the boundaries of belief. To get away from the annoying impress from the product line. Standing with customers and to provide competent and active participants with the opportunity to gain advantage in conjunction with project through special functions, co-branding and program partners. Be open and transparent in everything. DATARIUS wanted to show by their own example

The Pitch Project - A Live Video Token Sale Platform

Introduction: With the recent rise of bitcoins, day by day new blockchain projects emerge from the ground. Entrepreneurs and projects are aiming to create a crowdfunding-similar model, by handing out tokens for project supporters. Many projects though underestimate the complexity and functionality of tokens and not always, but mostly are not able to sell their tokens for their projects. On the other hand, smaller projects with a great marketing succeed. The goal of the Pitch Invetors Live project is therefore to give project team the opportunity to present their project idea to experts, and to an audience (similar like TV shows "Shark Tank". This offers the opportunity to better plan a project during it initial offering phase, because experts knows which methods to use, but also the project can get feedback and support from an audience, hearing about the project probably the first time. Features and benefits: By using the Pitch Invetors Live project, entrepreneurs and

BITRACE-Pengembangan racing city yang berbasis blockchain.

PENGANTAR BITRACE INVESTMENTS LTD adalah merupakan sebuah perusahaan investasi Inggris yang berbasis di London, Inggris, yang merupakan anggota KJ Holdings Corp dimana perusahaan kami merupakan perusahaan pertama bergerak dalam proyek pengembangan racing city yang berbasis blockchain. Dimana saat ini perusahaan kami ini sedang dalam proses pengembangan proyek Racing City Racing Tunisia, proyek ini terdiri dari pembangunan kompleks olahraga terpadu termasuk Jalur Formula 1 yang dikelilingi oleh hotel kelas atas dan unit rekreasi: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) di Hammamet, Tunisia . INVESTASI BITRACE LTD telah berhasil menyelesaikan kesepakatan dengan BDSwiss Holding PLC, untuk mengizinkan investornya (BITRACE Buyer) ke Trade Shares, Index, FOREX, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies with CFDs, menggunakan BITRACE Tokens INVESTASI BITRACE LTD juga telah berhasil menyelesaikan kesepakatan dengan Margarete’s Beauty di Toronto Kanada untuk memulai promosi dan pemasaran Salon Kec

SELFLLERY — Plataforma social para monetizar contenido visual

CONOCIDO Actualmente, la plataforma para el intercambio de contenido visual comienza a aumentar notablemente de manera significativa, registrando 1.2 billones de fotos tomadas en 2017, este número aumentó en 600 mil millones. Más que en 2013. A medida que la cantidad de fotos aumenta de año en año, se comienza a tener en cuenta el cambio de plataforma a contenido visual. Pero de esta cantidad, solo unos pocos pueden monetizar su contenido visual, mientras que otros solo intercambian contenido, pero no se benefician de él. Consideramos que esto es injusto y comenzamos a desarrollar una plataforma llamada “SELFLLERY”, una plataforma que permite a los usuarios monetizar sus contenidos y plataformas, lo que facilitará el acceso público al contenido visual. Nuestro objetivo es Trabajo temprano SELFLLERY es una plataforma que lo recompensará con respecto a sus publicaciones y actividades sociales relacionadas con el contenido visual que usted crea y publica en nuestra platafo